Monday, March 6, 2017

Virtual WIFI Controller

Extreme Networks provided virtual wifi controller and Virtual WIPS system. This controller can be installed on Hypervisor VMware Esxi server. This article created to show how to install VX9K on Hypervisor, and example in my lab.

[ Procedure ]
1. Within the vSphere client, select File > New > Virtual Machine.
2. Select Typical within the Configuration field, then Next > from the lower, right-hand, side of the screen.
3. Enter a 80 character maximum virtual machine name, then Next > from the lower, right-hand, side of the screen.
4. Select the target Storage location from amongst the destinations listed, then Next > from the lower, right-hand, side of the screen.
5. Within the Guest Operating System screen, select Linux as the guest operating system.
6. Use the Version drop-down menu to select Other Linux (64-bit), then select Next > from the lower, right-hand, side of the screen.

7. Select one network interface card (NIC) from the How many NICs do you want to connect? drop-down menu.
8. Assign a Network to NIC1, then select Next > from the lower, right-hand, side of the screen.

9. Set the Virtual disk size from within the Create a Disk screen, then select Next > from the lower, right-hand, side of the screen.

10. Select the Edit the virtual machine settings before completion checkbox, then select Continue from the lower, right-hand, side of the screen.
11. From within the Hardware tab, select
12. From within the Hardware tab, select Memory as the hardware type and set the Memory Size.

13. Remain within the Hardware tab, and select CD/DVD.
14. Set the device type to Datastore ISO File. Select the Browse button and select the VX 9000 ISO file. Select Finish from the lower, right-hand, side of the screen.
15. Highlight the new VX 9000 VM and select the Console tab.
16. Right-click and select Power > Power On (or CTRL+B).
17. Select the Enter key when prompted to begin the VX 9000 installation process.
18. When the installation is completed, select the Enter key again to reboot the VX 9000:
The VX 9000 is now ready to configure.

[ Example in the lab ]
Below figure shows the WiNG based controller installed in my lab.

To activate the Virtual controller, VX license need to be installed on the controller.
Virtual controller provide same feature of physical controller, but by nature of virtual machine, easy to backup to the other datacenter, also easy to be restored even in case of failure on the controller.

Not only WiNG based controller, but also Identifi controller can be installed on Esxi server. Below figure shows the image of Identifi controller installed on Esxi server.

All other backend system such as NAC ( Network Access Control ), Purveiw, and Netsight ( NMS ) also supported on Esxi server, so total solution can be installed on one Esxi server.

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