Friday, April 28, 2017

TCL Script for Ping test and check result

Below script can be used to ping multiple hosts and clear fdb, and disable the script if ping loss happened. With this script, switch will ping from ~ and if more than 5 hosts show 100% ping loss, then it will stop the UPM profile named Test_SK.

set var 77ServerNum 201
set var i 0

while ($77ServerNum < 211) do
set  var cli.out " "
ping count 10 172.27.77.$(77ServerNum)
set var split_list $TCL(split ${CLI.OUT} "\n")
set var percent $TCL(lsearch $split_list *%*)
set var lossline $TCL(lindex $split_list $percent)
set var loss $TCL(lindex $lossline 6)

if (!$MATCH($loss,100%)) then
create log message "172.27.77.$77ServerNum => Not Connected"
set var i ($i + 1)
set var 77ServerNum ($77ServerNum + 1)

if ($i <= 5) then
create log message "ping failed on $i hosts"
clear fdb vlan ToR
if ($i > 5) then
disable upm profile Test_SK

To execute the script periodically, upm profile and timer need to be configured on the switch. In below example, upm profile named Test_SK is configured to execute the script named pingtest and upm timer named Test_SKTimer configured to execute the profile named Test_SK every 240 seconds.

create upm profile Test_SK load script pingtest.xsf . configure upm profile Test_SK maximum execution-time 200 create upm timer Test_SKTimer configure upm timer Test_SKTimer profile Test_SK configure upm timer Test_SKTimer after 1 every 240

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